Monday 10 January 2011

Is there any justice in the world?

So I am driving along the road, minding my own business, humming away to the kickin' deep heavy beats of Frank Sinatra and a crazy driver in a white beat-up van skids round a corner, takes off my wing mirror and zooms off into the distance! It will cost a few hundred pounds to repair ... grrr ...

THEN Mittens goes out in the blustery, heavy rain and catches a small bird, brings it into the house and along with Maisy starts to torture the poor thing. Thankfully I got to it in time and managed to rescue the poor little thing and release it back into the wild. I have 2 scratches and had my finger clawed for my pains ... grrr ...

Oh & I am off to Nashville next week - snow, - 7 degrees, cold ... grrr ...

Then Chicago the week after - snow, - 4 degrees, cold ... grrr ...

There's a lot of growling going on here in Sharma-land ... grrr ...

(on the plus side, Moo is smiling again and has started eating properly again and even barked at the postman)

Nashville features an exact replica of the Parthenon in the city!
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