Tuesday 11 January 2011

Firstly, some good news from the ILT camp ... after many years of pursuing the goal, it looks like we have finally sold the show to Japan! I am so looking forward to my voice being dubbed into Japanese! This means that in 2012, I will be revisiting the "Land of the Rising Sun". I was in Tokyo just last year -- next time Osaka methinks.

The sun has been shining and the sky quite blue here ... but a chilly subzero wind has made sunbathing nigh-on impossible ... except that is for my sheep Bert & Ernie who are looking particularly woolly & fluffy at the moment. Lucky boys ...

I have been asked today why my Leica blog has not appeared so far in 2011 ... well, I am on a break ... (but not in a Ross and Rachel way) and it will be reappearing on the 24/25th of this month.

OK - back to trying to load my Blackberry with good songs for 2011 - ideas anyone?

Japan rocks!
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