Tuesday 18 May 2010

I love writing this diary. I can forget travel memories in my mind but they are all here on this website to help jog my white matter ... or is it grey ... when necessary ...

On this day last year I was about to leave Canada after filming a very successful show in British Columbia. The tag-line to my entry was "I must come back here again soon" ... and guess what, I did! I must admit that there isn't one place that we have filmed in that I would not want to revisit ... except the hamam in Istanbul - now THAT was painful!

I have had a lovely day - the weather has been wonderful, my cats have been quite loving, the pup has been dozey, the cigar very tasty, the swimming pool "just right" ... all right is with my world.

I want to go and watch Wall Street 2 ... maybe tomorrow ... during the day ... how daring is that?

I detest soccer in every way, shape and form BUT the song of the day is to "celebrate" the World Cup. It's being held in one of my favourite countries ... erm and in my mind that's where the positives ... end ...

Song of the Day: Three Lions - I don't really care

Weather: Happy!

Gekko in the 80s ... I have never met a cigar smoker I didn't like!
Gekko in 2010 - obviously the greed did get the better of him! Note to self - greed is not that good!
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