I am sipping on a white coffee. Not unusual you may say but I am lactose intolerant and here the thoughtful hotel has put a carton of goat's milk in the refridgerator! This is a first for me and a VERY pleasant one.
Ryanair is THE worst airline in the world ... but EasyJet is not that far behind. The last time I flew EasyJet was just after 9/11. I was flying from Gatwick to Nice for the television festival in Cannes. The staff (& other passengers) on the flight decided that as I looked foreign that I was a bomber. I was made to feel rather uncomfortable ... it was awful. Anyway, today's flight (which was actually the most convenient flight for me) was a masterclass in incompetence and appalling customer service. Thankfully it's only a 2 hour flight to Barcelona!
The sun has been shining all afternoon and anyone who has every stayed at Hotel Arts will know that that is when the property comes alive. The glass & metal building gleams and glistens ... it's a wonderful sight.
I am staying in an apartment 30 plus floors above sea-level. My views are stunning ... more on that tomorrow.
Have been for a swim and dinner with the boys. An early night as I am up early filming tomorrow.
Song of the Day: Don't Stop the Dance - Bryan Ferry
Weather: More yellow than orange - thankfully!