The boys should be very pleased that they are not filming here today ... one minute the sun is shining, the next it's heaving down with rain! When I mean heaving, I mean SUPER heaving! I can imagine Tim looking very distressed as he sits in the rain waiting for a grizzly to appear!
Up at 0600 ... and an early breakfast with old friends ... Brittany et al.
With top guide Aaron, we headed out on the water and after 40 minutes we arrived at Homalco ... home to the grizzly bear. Last time I was here at Sonora, I saw the black bear ... so it was fabulous to see the grizzly.
The bears come up to the rivers and fish for salmon with their paws and walk off to munch. The bear hibernates all winter and during spring, summer and autumn (fall) they just eat and procreate. On the way home, we popped into visit some seals and stinky sea-lions.
When we filmed here, the rivers were much calmer - now they are much faster and rapids/whirlpools pop up everywhere. It's a fabulous sight. I have NO intention to white water raft or sledging while I am here.
I am doing a lot of relaxing - reading, watching the ocean ebb & flow, eating and drinking ... heaven ...
Tomorrow morning - early - I am star-gazing. I have a telescope on my deck ...
Song of the Day: The Bare Necessities - Jungle Book
Weather: Cocktail
my home on sonora