So up early and breakfast at the Soho Sanctum - a hotel I know nothing about in Central London ... with the lovely people from California Tourism. As we are planning 2011, it's good to know what is out there and what's up for filming. As it happens I am in California this year ... for some cooking and some fun too! Yay!
Another meeting - this time about Malaysia ....
Then to Davidoff for a birthday cigar celebration with Edward Sahakian ... who had spent the morning in the zoo with grandaughter! Lucky chap!
So - I am on my way home thinking of pooches and I met this lovely lady - Lee - from Sydney who is having to retire her guide dog at the end of the month. His name is Bo and he's 10 ... I have this rather strange feeling that there will soon be a new member of the family!
Song of the Circle: Warm Wet (Earlicks) Circles - Marillion
Weather: Sunny & Hot!