Saturday 2 June 2012

Have you ever done something completely by mistake ... and just sat back and thought "wow"?

I am still unwell ... but I did pop out for lunch with friends today which I am sure did not help BUT it was so lovely to see them ... on this "Jubilee" weekend!

So - I have grown a real attachment to my 10 foot sofa ... I honestly believe it IS the most comfortable sofa in the world ... and believe it or not, I have slept on many ... especially in hotels where the beds give me ... erm ... worry.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, one of us (i.e. Tim, Jack) were talking about films, illusions etc and it was suggested that I watch "The Illusionist" ... so I went onto Sky+ (TIVO) found it and settled down to watch it with a nice mug of sweet tea and my favourite cat.

I was expecting to see Edward Norton and Jessica Biel ... instead I got a French/Scottish cartoon. I thought, well what's the harm in watching the first five minutes ... and I was totally smitten.

This cartoon made me laugh ... think ... and actually cry (yes, REAL tears)!

It was written by the great French comic Jacques Tati in the 1950's (?) and was turned into a feature-length cartoon ... set in Paris, London, Edinburgh ... and the Islands ... and was released in 2010.

The name of the film has two meanings BUT you have to watch it to understand what they are ... one obvious and one not so ...

"The Illusionist" is a TRUE gem and undoubtedly in my all time Top 10 ...

Back to the sofa, back to the drugs, back to sleep ...

"Magicians DO exist" ...

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