Monday 16 May 2011

It's raining again! I don't mean drizzle, I mean huge raindrops, the kind that hurt if they hit you. This Californian spring/summer is quite depressing.

Thankfully we have had a great day.

First up - Solage - 10 minutes drive away (sister property to the Ranch). Here I headed to the Spa for a mudslide treatment. Oil + local ash & clay (as used by the Wappo Indians for generations) ... in heat-hot for 25 minutes to sweat and detox ... then a bath in 102 degree hot spring water from under the property ... then FINALLY ... sleep on a chair with music reverberating through my bones ... awesome!

From there it was off to Auberge du Soleil - 30 minutes drive away (also sister property to the Ranch) - to cook with the Michelin-starred Chef Robert Curry. He is a wonderful chap ... and we had fun preparing two separate dishes ...

OK - the Napa Valley show is wrapped up ... ! YAY!

Tonight we laugh & celebrate and then head off for more work!

 Holly Plank - Spa Director at Solage
 Lobster salad with orange bits ... yum!
 Chef Robert Curry - Michelin-star at Auberge du Soleil
 Kara "Peanut" Adamson at AduS
 Me working in the kitchen ...
The end of the show photo ...
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