I sold my rowing machine (concept-2) as I never really used it ... and instead have joined a gym! I have also decided that in 2011, I will run another Marathon ... New York, Boston, Chicago or London ... and will try do it under 4 hours ... After last time, I did say "never again" but I need another goal in my life, so this is it! Does ANYONE fancy joining me?
First step ... lose a wee bit of weight! The problem is that filming in hi-definition, you don't "gain" weight (as you do with digital television), you look like you really are ... and for me at the moment, it's NOT a look I like!
The rain did eventually stop today ... but it was dark by 6 pm. With the clocks going back an hour here in England, it's going to get darker ... sooner ...
Song of the Day: Keep on Running - Spencer Davis Group
Weather: Changeable