Friday 23 October 2009

I slept 15 hours last night! I was - obviously - exhausted from the whole Chicago trip and flight home! But what fun the eleven days were ...

I was extra lucky as The Elysian hotel very kindly let me borrow a buckwheat pillow (which I infused with lavender oil) as this really did help me sleep my few hours every night in Chicago -quite fitfully actually. I have one of those pillows at home too .... mmmmmm ....

OK - so today has been catching up on mail, email, letters and phone calls. I have not had a minute spare. Next stops are Hong Kong, Oman, Thailand and New York which has been postponed until early January ...

The news here in the UK has been dominated by the BNP (a right-wing racist, facist political party) which was given a platform on BBC television last night. I was shocked to find today that I had Facebook and Twitter "friends" who have BNP friends ... purge purge! What a world we live in, eh?

Anyway, I wonder what joys the weekend will bring ...

Song of the Day: Do the Bartman - Bartholomew J Simpson

Weather: Sunshine and showers ...

the moo modelling gift from bridget at the elysian

a real moo (gucci) from the talbott hotel
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