Wednesday 18 July 2012

My most monogamous (12-year love) affair is about to come to an end ...

Yes, since 2000, I have been (almost surgically) attached to a BlackBerry. Yes, models have come and gone ... new ones came with gorgeous enhancements ... and old ones were discarded like used tissue paper.

I have had good news and bad news emailed, SMS'd, telephoned, BBM'd, WhatApp'd, Facebooked, and Twittered to me ... I have taken some incredible photographs and have received some quite remarkable ones too ... I have zipped through airports with my boarding pass on my screen, recorded concerts and have beamed light into darkness with an awesome torch App ... And I will never forget my "BlackBerry hand massage" at a top hotel in Miami! Ha! What was all that about?

Last week I was in Toronto using both ... and sadly, my BlackBerry was outperformed in every way by my "test" handset ...

So what is happening ...? Am I turning to that green, crunchy fruit company? NEVER!!! Am I going forth into the Galaxy? NAY ...

Instead, it looks like my life will be run by three letters ... no - not those three, I am not a gigolo ... I mean HTC ... there we are, I said it, HTC ...

I am not sure what HTC stands for but it has an awesome camera, Skype, Spotify, Angry Birds, Temple Run and it looks quite cool. Cool and me aren't a comfortable fit ... but I am - whatever - giving it a go!

All hail the mighty HTC ... farewell BlackBerry ... thank you for the memories, the blackouts, the lack of useful Apps but the wonderful ... BBM ...

Song of the Day: Curiosity Killed the Cat - Name & Number

 Now ...

Then ... but still my favourite fruit ...

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