Sunday 23 August 2009

Firstly, a HUGE happy birthday to my dear friend Philippe LeBoeuf - the venerable General Manager of Claridges. He is "XX" years old (it's a BIGGIE) and sadly I am stuck in an edit suite while he is enjoying a picnic in Hyde Park! Happy Birthday!

recent photo of the Birthday Boy with pooch - Archie, the lovely Pepita et moi!

So, I am in the edit suite in Soho with Richard putting the South Africa show through its paces. 99% of it is excellent but there were a few sound issues (nothing to do with Tim) that are both annoying and exasperating! GRRRRRRR!

I am trying out a new hotel tonight & Monday ... more on that tomorrow.

Song of the Day: Can I Kick It? - A Tribe Called Quest

Weather: Divine vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! (Richard)
vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! (with Richard)

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