Monday 30 April 2012

How many idiots do you know mow their lawns in the rain? None? Well, you do now ...

I am off to Cyprus this week (whoohoo! 25 degrees and sunny) and it has been raining quite consistently and quite hard here ... leaving everything lush green (pretty) but very, very damp.

The poor Moo has been doodling around in the rain getting soaked at least 4 times a day, brushing through a "jungle" of grass, so I thought I would make it easier on her by mowing the front lawn ... I am not sure she really cares but it makes me feel better.

The neighbours did drive by, stop, reverse, look, laugh and drive on though ... I think my straw hat and cigar was a combo unseen in these parts ... especially during a rainstorm ... 

Talking of hats - my new one from Talbot Runhof (Munich) has attracted much mirth & merriment from the boys who think it's rather effeminate ... views please!

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