The weather was appalling when I woke up. I had to drive to my local hospital for some surgery. You may remember that last year I broke my finger "playing" cricket ... well today I had to have some steroid inserted in to the joint of my small digit to stop it aching when it gets cold!
So - first the surgeon injected lidocaine into the base of my finger as an anaesthetic (pain) ... THEN the steroid was injected into a joint (no pain) ... this all lasted 30 minutes ... then I drove home (no pain) and went to sleep all afternoon (no pain) as the drugs wore off ... and now I am awake and it's raining again (pain).
Thursday it's Prague ...
I have to keep my hand in the air to stop the throbbing ... I am not good with pain. This diary entry has taken 40 minutes as I am typing with my left hand ... and I mean one finger on my left hand .. oh dear ...
Song of the Day: Cloudbusting - Kate Bush
Weather: Horrible
ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch ... ouch!