I slept for 8 hours last night ... the first time I have managed over 5 in three weeks! So, I attacked Beverly Hills with added vigour this morning.
First - what I like about The Montage:
a) the most perfect breakfast
b) the pens - filled with gold ink (very stealable)
c) in-room tv/video system
d) the concierge desk (THE best in LA)
e) that it's opposite Madame Chocolat - home to the "home of chocolate"
f) stamps on postcards as standard
g) free internet
h) Frank Bowling
i) both rain & fixed shower heads
j) the John Lobb shoe regeneration service! My Tods are in for a treat!
k) Kristy Karlovec
No time for the spa today ... will try in the morning!
SO - up early to do some postcard writing and posting. Then off to the Chi Spa - a 5 minute walk from the hotel. Esther and Fawn entertained for an hour while giving me the best manicure ever! Yes - a MAN-icure ... not a girlicure ... MAN ... i.e. meant for a man!
Then lunch on the 9th floor with lovely Frank and delightful Rodolfo ...
From there to Madame Chocolate and Hasty ... who knows more about choc than anyone alive! I filmed with her a couple of years back and she is still as lovely as ever! She's busy because she's good ... my sweet tooth is sated!
Off now for my last evening in LA and indeed the USA until Autumn (Fall)!
Song of the Day: Flawless - George Michael
(I am actually the fat guy at the beginning! Note, I can't dance!)
Weather: Yummy - milk chocolate infused with Johnny Walker Blue Label!