0730 - Slice of toast and run outside to meet Pat Liddy - who runs the MOST excellent walking tours of Dublin. What he does not know is not worth knowing. Every window, door ... street corner ... castle ... has a story and Pat knows it. We visited the Castle, the H'penny Bridge ... and Merrion Square. The story started in 800 BC and ends today with the ultra-modern city.
The newspapers here in Eire predict doom & gloom in the economy & indeed for the country ... I truly hope not.
1030 - film my Penthouse Suite. 260 m2 of duplex heaven. I have been staying at the hotel for over a decade now. It's just the most perfect hotel in Dublin ... but have never stayed up here on the 4th floor. There are 2 bedrooms ... a lounge, kitchen, dining area, stone fireplace and a 95m2 outdoor terrace with a cedar wood hot-tub. I haven't got into the hot-tub yet!
the hotel itself was created from four Grade I Listed Georgian townhouses and a contemporary Garden Wing. The Duke of Wellington was born here. There are 123 rooms & 20 suites ...
what i love about the hotel is the scent ... very woody ... earthy and just inviting. I stay here mainly for one reason Peter MacCann - the General Manager who I am interviewing for the show tomorrow.
1330 - head over to Malahide Castle ... which is 35 minutes drive away. So started a very funny episode in my life .. trying to learn some Irish dancing. I can't dance. I can't dance. I CANNOT DANCE. The poor troupe had to put up with old left feet here trying to master the ABCs of the dance. While Paul, Martin, lovely Claire, Karen & Niamh ... all dancers for many years ... twirled, skipped and hopped for a couple of hours in perfect harmony ... I erm watched and occasionally screwed up basic moves. They looked fabulous .. I looked like a moron. Oh well ...
Claire - my tutor - was very kind to me. She applauded my one good hop ... and tried not to cry at the 100 bad ones. Paul & Martin were very professional and Karen & Niamh moved like light-footed fairies.
Riverdance will NEVER look the same to me!
Malahide Castle is a huge tourist attraction .. and with the fields .. people bring their pups. I met a Honey and a Ruby - both who commiserated with me by providing ear-licks!
And by the way, if you are ever in Dublin and want to go and see the "dance" - head for the Merry Ploughboys .. apparently it's brilliant fun.
1800 - back the hotel to catch the sun on the front and to film the drive-up. Sad as the Moo is not in the passanger seat. I miss her.
1900 - dinner with lovely Chris.
What a day!!!
Song of the Day: I'll Take You There - Sean Paul (special request .. um ... erm ... hmm) ...
Song of the Day 2: Pretty Young Maids in a Row - The Eagles - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bOUhVqX8ug
Weather: Riverdance (i.e. AMAZING!)