Monday 21 November 2011

The curse of the long-haul flight strikes again! Yes, I did sleep but I also was so teary - at one stage - that a very kind member of the crew had to stop, bring me water and a box of (man-sized) tissues! What set this latest bout of emotion off? Not much! Actually it was a strange movie about the harvesting of body-parts ... not sure what got me into such a state! Hmmmm ...

Anyway - home at last!

The flight was long ... an overnight ... but I had a comfy bed ... a new BA aircraft ... weeks old apparently and EVERYTHING worked! I have become greedy of late and ask for two cocooned seats in the centre of the plane ... one bed for me and the other for imaginary "friend".

I landed at Heathrow at 0440 ... and was in my car by 0500 - HOW COOL IS THAT?

I have a few days at home with a small trip in there before CAPE TOWN (whoo-hoo) next week!!!!!!!!!

Oh by the way: my Leica for this fortnight:

With a bear!
With THE Bear
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