Sunday 18 September 2011

Just a quick entry today.

Tomorrow we are off to Botswana ... 7 days and nights of safari ... I am so excited! Safari HAS to be one of my favourite activities in the world.

Tim has not been feeling well -- he blames the bear/moose/reindeer that we ate in Sweden several days ago (and I mean almost two weeks), I blame the cat biscuits and hamster nibbles that he constantly snacks on!

So -- by mid-December I still have trips confirmed to: India (2 weeks of filming), Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Switzerland, South Africa, London ... Paris and the South of France ... plus I am told there maybe a couple of other ones ...

PHEW! I am tired just thinking about it ...

 Tim and I is ugly!
 I look like a mushroom - according to James!
I think James looks like a mushroom!
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