Saturday 12 March 2011

With thousands of people dead or missing in Japan, today is another very dark one. The devastation is just enormous ... I spoke to two of my friends there this morning. One said " ... I have lived in Tokyo all my life - this is the worst I have ever seen ... " and the other has not stopped crying and shaking for a day. She has family outside Tokyo and is very worried about them. When you know of real people, with real members of their families missing, it hits home just how helpless the situation currently is.

I was astounded by the footage from Fukushima-Daiichi where the nuclear reactors have been put on high alert. For those nuclear naysayers, you must remember that ALL the buildings in the area around the reactors were flattened but the reactors still stand. We must now hope that the nuclear leakage is kept to a minimum ...

With so many at war around the world - surely, SURELY people in power MUST realise that  "humanitys'" biggest enemy is not humanity ... but Nature ...
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