Sunday 7 November 2010

Today was a rather pleasant one. Although rather chilly, the sun did manage to take the edge off what could have been a rather dull & murky Sunday.

It is the adorable pooch, Gemima's ELEVENTH birthday today! She is totally blind, has wonky hind legs, is missing half her teeth and sometimes smells rather ... rum but I would not swap her for all the money in the world. To me she is perfect in every way ...

So - I took my Pops out to lunch to - what I believe to be - the finest "bed & breakfast" in England. Yalbury Cottage in Little Bockhampton is just three minutes drive from the author Thomas Hardy's house. Owned by ex-Four Seasons couple Jamie & Ariane Jones, this eight-bedroom thatched cottage offers not only the warmest welcome but the finest cuisine you could ask for ...

I had an escargot/risotto starter, followed by duck and ending on a lemon cheesecake. Even greed could not get me through the portions and tonight, Gemima is having roast duck, Yorkshire pudding and a slice of doggie cake for her birthday dinner ... definitely NOT a regular dog's dinner!

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