Wednesday 17 June 2009

San Diego ...

A very sad morning as I had to wave farewell to the BW and Jen ... but new adventures always keep me going. Picked up my car from the airport and drove two hours - around 180 kms - to the heart of San Diego and the Se hotel.

The drive was 99% freeway (motorway) so nothing to really note except that first moment you see the sea - at around Laguna - is just a lovely sight - especially if the sun is shining ... as is was..
More details on the hotel tomorrow but have spent time with the Director of Sales - Tohnia - who is fabulous and I think everything is going to be good. The hotel is quite modern and I am up on the 20th floor with views stretching as far as ... Mexico! I had blackberries and pomegranite juice waiting for me in my suite ... heaven.

Everyone here in San Diego seems quite laid back which after LA is refreshing.

The boys arrived from London very late - rather frazzled. Filming starts tomorrow.

Song of the Day: Finally Made Me Happy - Macy Gray

Weather: like Heinz Ketchup ..!

the view from the freeway

my view over san diego

the pool

present from jen
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