Thursday 12 July 2007

Day 25 - Harry Potter

Go Harry! (Straight to hell – do not collect £200 if you pass “Go”)
We are still in the edit.

Walked to work today and I was only accosted once by a policeman to look in my rucksack … note to self, shave … oh and whiten up.

Facebook an old uni buddy from 10 years ago … SOOOOO excited. We spent a lot of time goofing around but it seems we have both grown up. Really?

Went to see Harry Potter … as threatened. Was confused to heat whooping adults “go Harry”, “go get them Harry”, “you the man Harry” … what the hell?!

When talking about Harry’s first kiss, he said “it was wet”… wet? She’s a girl not a washing machine!

The only reason I didn’t fall asleep was that I had eaten so many chocolate mice from the choc shop, I was buzzing. It is a TERRIBLE movie but the trailers of the all the other films on this summer look good .. Transformers & The Simpsons WILL be excellent – if they aren’t.
Looking forward to the weekend.

Tune of the Day: La la la, la la la la, la la la, la la la la (The Banana Bunch)

Weather: depressing

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