Thursday 16 June 2011

Yesterday - Antigua - 32 degrees - hot hot hot & rain rain rain - Today - England - 14 degrees - cold cold cold & rain rain rain ... at least there aren't any blood-sucking vampire mosquitoes here ...

So, overnight, the Canucks (Vancouver's ice hockey team) were soundly beaten by the Bruins of Boston ... at home. Rather than accepting this in a sporting fashion, some idiots decided to riot, leading to burning cars and looted stores in a city that just THIS week I was praising as one of the most wonderful places on Earth ...

I do remember however when England were knocked out of a World Cup tournament (soccer/football/stupidgame) a few years ago there were riots in London ... what is it with sports, excessive alcohol consumption and losing that brings out the worst in people? Hmmm ....

Anyway - NO jet-lag. Marvellous!

Sadly the rain cloud over my home covered up the red Moon but I was sent this rather lovely photo ... more idiots were interviewed on the news last night who were convinced that werewolves and vampires (not the mosquito variety) would rise at the sight of this coloured Moon. I can confirm that there were no werewolf or vampire sightings ANYWHERE in the real-world ... enough said ...

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