Saturday 4 June 2011

Indignant Moo! So I woke early and decided she needed her fur clipping. It took me over an hour to get to this stage. By now we were both tired and needed a rest! As you can see, I had not got to her paws yet (indignant moo!) ... I did finish the job this evening and now she looks like a Doggie-Skinhead. Thankfully she can't see what she looks like in a mirror or I would be in the doghouse ... (!)

Anyway, I learnt something about the birds & the bees today. So the bees (workers - all male) spend the whole day working like dogs (!) pollinating, looking after Queen B ... then just as their day is coming to an end and they can play golf ... along comes a Bird and eats them! I watched as this happened twice today! Most unfair ...

Welcome to the world young Henry!
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