Monday 10 September 2007

Day 85 - Fore!!!

0430 - Awake and prepare for another day of FUN!

0530 - Jump into Lloyd's MPV and head off to Chiba and the Taiei Country Club for a round of golf. Japan is rather different from life back home; here the little things like golf (or later karaoke) are a luxury item as they require effort and are an escape from "life".

0715 - Arrive at Taiei. It's an AMAZING place with the hugest clubhouse I have ever seen with all you expect plus more. The men's changing area even has an onsen (hot spring bath etc) and I was totally amazed by the landscape gardening.

Anyway, we teed off at 10th so we had a chance to film. It was a 4-ball, with two of Lloyd's friends and we had fun! Even Tim enjoyed the sunshine and the golf! He hates sport so I was amazed. I wasn't bad. I wasn't good either! I miss Kingswood though (home course), no water and lovely bacon club sandwiches!

1300 - Head back to Tokyo.

1700 - Have a haircut. Even this is an "event"! Bowing, snipping, more bowing... sculpturing... followed by yet more BOWING; all for £15.

1730 - The FINAL of the Japanese rituals - (1) tea 2) golf 3) onsen) number 4 - karaoke - or clear orchestra. The CEOs of all the blue-chip firms here all take karaoke seriously - it's escapism from life. Lloyd hired a boat to take us down the river and with 7 friends we sang and sang and sang. Actually, in my case it was erm - well - talking/shouting/screeching... you will see! BUT it was fun! REAL fun! And to see corporate Japan cutting loose was just excellent!
Highlights of the evening - Tim & Alex leading dancing & singing The Monkees (hey hey) , us all doing Piano Man and erm - anything that I didn't sing! I was awful...

Lloyd - YOU THE MAN!

Song of the Day: Pretty Woman (Roy Orbison)

Weather: Showers

Weight: Uh-oh!

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