Thursday 23 August 2012

You have kids (cats), you bring up them up well (as well as cats can be brought up), you teach them right from wrong (um) and teach them to respect each other, the Moo and the wildlife ... major fail!

Usually they bring in a vole, mole, baby bunny, bird and once even an elephant (ahem!) ... BUT today, Maisy & Mittens - the killer-kittens, brought in a dead bat! I am not sure how they caught him ... but they did ... poor thing.

I have been away most of the day ... and I am off again soon ... it's a long weekend here in England and guess what ... the weather is set to be terrible! Great!

Song of the Day: Cool for Cats - Squeeze

"Riddle me this, Riddle me that ... who's afraid of the big, black ... bat?"
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