ANYWAY - today was exhausting but fun as I spent the day in meetings in London ... the sun was shining, the sky blue ... pretty girls were jogging the parks ... and there were NO aircraft in the sky! It was kind of like the last day of school .. or the last day of "the world" as we know it!
I did not wake up with ash on my car - just a big splodge of bird poo ... that's meant to be lucky in some countries.
So - got to see one of my favourite PR/people in the world - Sian Griffiths from The Peninsula in Hong Kong. Am filming in Shanghai later this year and The Pen has a property there that I want to film in ...
Walked everywhere today ... no Underground or buses. It was just lovely.
What to do ... what to do?
Song of the Day: Faster than the setting sun - Fyfe Dangerfield
Weather: Glorious!