Wednesday 21 April 2010

Ah - Day 2 of my "trip" to New York that never happened!

Woke up to find that the world was "up in air" again. And now the recriminations start. Who is to blame for the delays. All I can say is that to let passengers fly with knowing what the consequences could have been would have been negligent ... I would not want to have been a passenger on the "experimental" flight on Day 1 or 2 of this crisis!

So - South Africa looks good for Friday. First stop is Durban ... and according to the weather forecast, it's going to be HOT!

I have really got into swimming lately - I am no Duncan Goodhew (whatever happened to him) but I manage to do a few lengths before I pretend to be a Baywatch victim.

I had an Istanbul moment today ... I saw a cat near the pool who rather than running away came right up to me to say "hello". The last time a strange moggy came to say hello was at the Topkapi Palace ... it made a cold morning very warming!

Song of the Day: Rocking All Over the World - Status Quo

Weather: Clear, cool and ASH-FREE!

back in the skies!
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