Today has been a success in every way. We managed to film three good features, have fun ... oh ... and I holed a 20 foot putt ... on camera! Yay!
I met the boys at 0730 at reception. The clouds looked angry -- very black ... very threatening ... as it turned out, these clouds were kittens and all they wanted was to play, not to cause any grief. I did not rain a drop!
First up, we headed to the Orchard Road (main shopping fare in Sinagpore) and to the Estheva spa. Here I had a chocolate massage. My therapist Chow Yet Wah melted some 100% cocao chocolate. While still warm and runny, she poured it onto my back and started the massage process. The scent was wonderful, the feeling was delicious but sadly I was not allowed to even taste the chocolate. This chocolate has 4 times the anti-oxidants of green tea and as a massage "oil", is anti-ageing ... i'll have 4 bars please. The treatment was excellent. I still feel uneasy about spas ... tv-spa wife needed ... cv's by email please! haha!
Next up - golf. We drove up to the Raffles Country Club ... 30 minutes from the city centre and just 3 miles from Malaysia. We met up with Albert Khor - the general manager - who took us round the course. I am not a golfer ... but I try ... my drives were good - putting fabulous ... the middle bits needed help. Albert is a wonderful fellow - full of golfing anecdotes. I can't wait to play the full course some day. There are two courses and there are crocodiles and iguanas (we filmed one) roaming the bunkers and fairways! excellent!
Hold on, pizza has arrived. Looks yummy ... :)
It was!
The last feature of the day was great, great, GREAT fun - a polo lesson at the Singapore Polo Club. By this time of the afternoon, the sun was REALLY beating down, the humid was nigh and I was hot! hot! hot! Met up with the GM of the club Torrey Dorsey - fabulous fellow. There are approximately 1200 members here - with regular chukkas throughout the year. The facilities are superb - clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis court, training areas, stables and of course the field. I had a one hour lesson on a lovely pony called Tucoza. My tutor Fattar Khan is a 4-goaler. I thoroughly enjoyed the riding, the swinging of the mallet ... everything. I wasn't bad .. I wasn't good BUT this is the new golf for me! When I get home ... it's loads of riding lessons for me!
I met a couple of cats as well at the stables - Ginger and Smokey ... gorgeous!
Got back to the hotel for a drink with GM Pierre ... he's a fan of the Trevallon wine too! If you have not heard of this, you must try it. A wine from Provence ...
It's our last night in Singapore - the boys have gone out to have some fun. We still have filming tomorrow but they have worked so hard.
I am lucky, I have a bottle of Pinot, a jacuzzi run by Rahmat (butler/friend) and a few hours to spare! YAY!YAY!
Songs of the Day: Jump - Madonna ... oh! and The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep
Weather: Awesome