Thursday 11 August 2011

Greetings from the Pink Sands Resort on Harbour Island, Bahamas.

We left "hell" this morning quite early and took a three hour ferry journey to Harbour Island. The ferry was clean, efficient & modern and we sailed through huge pockets of thunderstorms and the boat hardly rocked ... for Captain Sea-legs (Tim) it was a sickness-free voyage! Yay!

We arrived on Harbour Island in pouring hot rain, were met at the dock by the resort General Manager, Mark Kitchen and were driven the 5 minutes to the resort.

After a quick & delicious lunch, I met with Mr Prince Mather - who is just over 70 years young. He is the premier historian in the Bahamas and he took me on a short but informative tour of this small island. There are 29 islands, 661 cays and 2387 rocks (islets) that make up the Bahamas but 24 main "inhabited" islands. In 1973, the Bahamas gained independence from the British. Pre-Columbus, the islands were inhabited by the Lucayan and Arawak Indian tribes.

Unfortunately, we have just had a power cut on the island and I cannot upload any photographs ... shame as we have some nice ones.

This episode of Inside Luxury Travel is NOT going to be action packed ... more like laid-back and fun luxury ... I have an amazing suite here ... I will tell you more about that (hopefully WITH photos) tomorrow.

By the way, heaven is MUCH better than hell!
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