Sunday 19 June 2011

A grand weekend!

OK - so the sun IS now shining and the sky IS now blue -- but that's only 1 hour old and it's 8.15 pm! The rest of the weekend was rain! grrrr .....

In 2 days it will be the loooooongest day of the year - let's hope the sun is shining!

So - the weekend is over. I am editing for two days this week and then flying to Mauritius for just TWO ... 2 ... days ... 48 hours! Crazy as the flight IS 12 hours! Hey ho!

This is the first time that the ILT team of camera and editing have been together! Much bubbly stuff was consumed!
My dear friend Priscilla from The Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong literally popped in to say "hello" ... ahhhhh!
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