Monday 16 November 2009

I am beginning to LOVE Mondays ... I get so much done! Paperwork, phone calls, emails, letters - ALL get done on Monday! So - yes - today has been daily-diary-dull BUT I am satisfied with my day's work!

The poor car is being tended to by mechanics. According to the head mechanic, it's "touch & go" ... I did laugh, he said it in a very medical way!

So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time, So much to do, so little time ....

Song of the Day: Notorious - Duran Duran

Weather: As bad as forecast ... and as bad as expected ...

a village near me today ...
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