Saturday 30 May 2009

It's been hot, hot, hot here in England! Whoo-hoo! I love it!

So - last night I attempted to make a passion fruit souffle. Apparently, it was not too bad ... but ended up more a baked Alaska ... but there were no real complaints ... I think everyone was being polite!

Anyway - today (shared with Tim):

Isabella’s schedule

7am Booby and nappy
8am Porridge then get dressed
9.30ish Sleep for about 20 mins then change nappy
11.15 Lunch followed by 5oz bottle
11.45/12ish Sleep for anywhere between 30mins and 1hr then nappy
2.15pm 8oz bottle
3.30ish Sleep for about 20mins then nappy
5pm Tea
6pm Bath
6.30pm 8oz bottle
6.45pm Bedtime

*Isabella likes lots of attention*

- Isabella is the 6-month old baby of two of my dearest friends
- the "booby" belongs to the mom - Fiona
- Tim & I stuck to the schedule like glue ... except it's 9 pm and the baby is still awake! eek
- we had lunch in the a pub - yum
- the oz bottles were milk not whisky (!)
- nappies stink ... the smell remains for hours
- i am totally exhausted! NO BABIES for me ... EVER!

Am hitting the Trevallon this evening! ha!

Song of the Day: I Feel for You - Chaka Khan

Weather: nice ... booby (!)

ready steady .. cook
um ... no rise there

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